As a smaller college, Lakes Entrance can provide individual programs based on the learning needs and interests of students, including Catch Up and Extension Programs relevant to both Academic and Vocational pathways. It is a whole of school approach - parents, students, teachers, Teaching and Learning Teams, Year Level Coordinators and Careers Advisors are brought together to work collaboratively on each student’s tailored learning plan.

Lakes Entrance Secondary College understands that each student’s personal wellbeing is fundamental to their educational progress and success. Students not only need to feel safe and secure, but welcomed, respected and valued. They also need to understand their own personal responsibilities, and the ways their deeds and actions contribute to the cohesion and amenity of the college. Perhaps most importantly of all, students learn strategies to overcome challenges and address setbacks – both of which are normal and necessary parts of growth.

Perhaps the greatest advantage a smaller college like Lakes Entrance has is that it can provide individual programs for students based on their learning needs and interests. And wound into this approach is the understanding that each student’s personal wellbeing is fundamental to their educational progress.
Lakes Entrance Secondary College’s primary aim is to prepare students for a life of further study and/or employment, and central to that aim is a comprehensive Careers program. Career development is included in the curriculum at every year level, and further supported by Career Counselling, Work Experience, Guest Speakers, Vocational Experiences and a host of Careers Resources. You can access the college Careers portal here: